Home Forums Themes Support Bibo Archive Intro – Top Margin


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    I’m trying to get rid of the top margin for archive-intro so the titles won’t start so low down the screen. I’ve added the css to the child theme stylesheet and it still won’t change. I see when I inspect that the style is being overwritten by style-custom.mins.css. Let me know how I get rid of the top-margin for that css class (archive-intro) on the blog and product pages please.



    You can change it by insert this code:

    .milo-archive-blog .archive-intro {
    margin-top: 50px!important; // Use !important to make this css is used

    You can do it similar with Shop page!
    Hope this help!
    P/s: You can add it in Theme Options -> Custom CSS if you don’t want to add it in child-theme.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by admin.

    That did it – thanks 🙂

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