Home Forums Themes Support How to Import Demo Manual WordPress theme


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  • #637

    Hi all customer,

    In some case your server doesn’t have as our suggestion to Import Demo content automatic. So this topic will help you Import Demo Manual with our theme:

    Before do these steps below you need to prepare:

    • Install our theme and plugins as in document has written

    After active our theme and installed required plugin you need to do these steps:

    • Step 1: Extract package downloaded from ThemeForest you will have theme package like: milo-xxx.zip (installable theme file)

    + Extract this file you will see in milo-xxx/plugins/milo-xxx-core.zip in folder has extracted (example milo-bibo-core.zip)

    + Extract this milo-xxx-core.zip plugin

    After extract plugin you can see folder structure like this:

    Step 2: Install plugins for help Import Demo content

    Step 3: Import WordPress Content

    Navigate to Tools -> Import then select WordPress (click Run Importer)

    Select XML file and import. Please notice on highlight to see where content.xml file located. Example here we import home 1

    Select Import Attachment to use our demo images then click Submit and wait to demo content import to your site.

    Step 4: Import Widget

    Navigate to Tools -> Widget Importer & Exporter then choose widgets.txt to Import. Please note you can rename widgets.txt to widgets.wie to import if needed.

    Step 5: Import Revolution Slider

    Navigate to Slider Revolution then select Import Slider

    Select slider you want to Import. Example here we use home 1

    Step 6: Import Theme Options

    Open file theme-options.json with Text Editor then copy all the content

    Navigate to Theme Options -> Import / Export then select Import from File. Paste the content you have just copy to textarea then click Import

    Step 7: Settings Homepage

    Navigate to Settings -> Reading then set Front page displays as static page.

    Step 8: Setting Menu

    Navigate to Appearance -> Menus then set Location for Menu

    Hope all working fine with your site now and thanks for choosing our product!



    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by admin.
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