Hi all our customer,
In this topic we’ll help you display date time (start and end time of Event in widget)
Step 1: go to path {your web root}/wp-content/plugins/milo-eco-core/includes/widgets/ then open file milo-widget-donation-events.php
Step 2: Go to line 155 and change the code to display event start
if (!$hide_date)
$event_start = get_post_meta( get_the_id(), ‘milo_event_start’, true );
$event_end = get_post_meta( get_the_id(), ‘milo_event_end’, true );
echo ‘<span class=”datetime”><i class=”fa fa-calendar-o”></i>’ . date_i18n( ‘g:i a, d M, Y’, strtotime($event_start)) . ‘</span>’;
You can follow this to change to format you want:
Example: ‘g:i a, d M‘ // Don’t display year
Hope this help you all!
Best regards,